Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1922, p. 5 (2024)

ijp art mt jffrrr rrmi thiuhdav allutj j 1033 the envious wren thu broun 11 v i 1 lui nil nl u1i1 ux to ut it i iully ik uil hh ixilulmwl a wum mud 10 go i when it- ruining this wuyl and to earn whut v u out tiouhii i tniikn your foo 1 twm t in h il hi r wliut miiiii ftilku tnuy uuy now there u tl ut hn hall ihlsinn llltlo wrm tllie fi till i4h m tut un drum while i strlvi uti i mwut ktw xurli i hi if ttnl 1 i all i noboly ul v inriu rumh i run t f 1 my uf why tli nll luiuiurd vlfo trent tor so much lllr ihun mo hin u h ii iii tl unit i in 11 ourtittiumly round virf a whll ulilbii jitht what i una lluhl thl ut little wrmi lit muke ftuuf will thu h 11 an i imrluiw l will uuk m ii utuy ami ttin u liou 1 lcvory iiuy i ii im r i and life would ih iiotlihil lint play bt tlowtf oorf the w nil htnp to lu hut i tlm linn anil soon 111 i ly uupiuir wu sent llut waimi stopping il tuiitt ths immr llrl i ft in huulo and thl wuw tho cum ii uhn w lit wlifii tlm rurmoim kind lmn to the poultry yard ruinu htm said uiki tlm wrvii shook with fright nidify m ft mi do kn u t or u stow ami i guess i shall kill hr to nibjl iliolm cury the sunday school lesson poii pumdav april 30 022 vfanulfagturers to gamier twenty vitarb ago from th lu of th free pre thursday msy 1 1s0z t ii iuibt111 i utohor i building h ttlw utoilll hjlhlkt illlllitu l collilth i with hi poik puiklng department may now n urn nut in pri fun ion thorol i town con mil lutu teduootl the ml for iticm lewnt vlectrlc lights ta tlir cent a wtk thu ruts i thn iowmi known in cunudu th- txillor- ut htorey tannery sprung a luik tlia nut of ili wwk uud tioller maker ars repairing it the muchlu ry thlm week i being run by u thresh in onjiiiia ilr wm uikiii tthowml tlm tram lrmm n mimmalli lin m i oil tu- dy laid by it ulit hruhmu it wlh- d 4m on miuurfl1 14 in oli cumrnc ntid 1 in illumnkir th wall known farm 0rilm unit lot 18 pan iunln h4 bouii turchm by ucaars a a j mann it hmm bn in tlm hutul of tho lto john oortlon nl family for vr half oantury tha uiuutu munn iwm nbout t 000 tor tliu nnn iroprty tb prlcoa of immt um wiurtnr the day anil th mtall butilmnf nr foro d out uf bulniwt in nil paru of tho country itutchorw flnj it almowt m- doaalbla to mmt anlmabi aultahla for the trad at prlcvi which will ixtrmlt tbm to alauhtl mnd mii thnrn at anv mursln of urrnlt otoak 1m now stoluivr at is centm n pound and roaata at ii u tmiula una of our local hutoh- rr ha aunnuiicad tit hi customer that h la ntlnff out of tl lwif liual- neaa altoicvthsr uml will oonhna hlm- olf to pork ur bddla iiolrnm who ham held tho position of nlht amnt of thn u t it at cluelph utoly ralkiod laat waak and took a oaltlon on thn abjroma contral railway at ulrjilptnotnn man wanted wanud man for hard work and rapid promotion u man who can find thlnjra to i done without tho help of a knanajrr and throo aaalatanta a man who seta fa work on tlm in tha mornlnm nd doa not lmprll tho lives of others in an attnmpt to im rtrat out of the offlca at nicht a man who la noat 1 appearance and jfloea not an ik for an hour a ovr- unu in ttrnvraanrlam a man who llatona carofully whm he ta anoken to and aaka only onoiujli quoatlona to lnauro tho aeourate carry injf oat of i nt ruction a man who movtm quickly and mak aa llttla nolaa aa poaalblo about it a man who look you atnushf in the eyes and ttl the truth try time a mn who do not pity hlmaelf for havtnj to work a man who la chearful courtaou to everyone and determined to make bood a man who when he doaa not krjpw mura i rtont know and when lie la anked to do any th i uk aaya iii try a man who does not make the unit ml take twice who la not a goody- koody a prlat or a cud but who do the vary beat he know how with every taak animated to him mother nan mutlly know when their children re troubled with worm and they loae no time in applying reliable remedy mother crave worm ex terminator where the paint brush never rests in order to preserve the atoel of the sutantla vorth ilrldco in hootloud from the effect of tho weather it la re- twlnted every thlid year and the structure i ao larne that it takes three years for the workmen employed about thirty five in number to oover the entire tiridjio o that lielnn com- lelled as soon as they lutve reached one end to begin usuln at thn opposite end they are oontlmialty at work the bridge contain 0 000 ton of tnntnl and is r ids feat in lontfth an oil that le prlaed everywhera 1r thomna kclectrlo oh was put upon the mar it t without any flourlah ovr fifty ydara ago le was put up to meet the wiuits of 4 umatl anctien but a soon as it merit became known it had a whole contlnunt for a field and it 1 not known uml iirlswl throughout this continent t nothntf iial lnl it 4wti what pat thquqht pat had of trnot much tnore than a scrufch u 1 tru but his ployer had vlalons of belna oumpelled co keep him tor life and had adopted tho wise course of sendlns him tp the hospital after thn hnunn murkeon had nuri ined him carefully he said to the n urel a sutwulaneouh ubrawloti not obanryable i do not think there is any reason to spiirebend tonmeutai clean trisatlon of the wound then turning to the putfent he uk- et qulxslcalty whut do you think jatt- sure anlit put ye took thn very words ojul of my mouth thais jul what i wn iroln to aay vf ulller worm powdors ia nut need the efterholp of cunt or oil or any jpuntntlvo to oomplofo ttnjlr tjiprough- noss because they ire thorough in themselves one dose of them and they will lie found palatable by all children will end tho worm trouble by making the stomuolt and bowel untenable to the pnrasltnti and not only this but the powders will be certain to exert most bene tlclal in- fluences 4fai ho 4jjestlv pr imaiaii h hummonh aml ik ml onillf luu 1 h it lll tril- idrn uttl i mnnd ln ten hit betting tlm- 766 h c 1 mi hiua lorn of jnluh- unon comment vuru 1 tlm uuinu yur that th ik if tl glflnw klnu- f jlllah went out ibul th to ixf h nr fiirt it una of tlo fr iitont flgiiri d in old toilumvnt hutory r mm iii 11 thn ni u miw jclwvmh iii kingly ru 01 tin nil of lh tonipl vrntt i tlm uuruphlm worn beings at glowing mplnndor hiiioo thn word if uiivd from u w rt wlhh mmna llro thn wliiu hiijcuiutt thth wwirt i ium uml ru iiiiomu th xivring of llm fuc uud of tht fmt ii th p if j linvuh ucflina to nt thn nuturul ihlni v r- 3 thn voir of the hnruplihn pun lulmliig the hollnts of jnhivub vi iu id ilut 1 ii thi i1111 mult 11 uki tho hrurt f ii n tnuii who wu to l cum- nlumlhitd um tlm tivnhiikr 1 t jpliovuh til oi 11 wum one nf tntrn nloiaiilty vfw 4 all of thn eurtb iium ronton tw triiililu in thu nriic ut tlm 11 ly whnii ho pukm tliean synilwillo iramtutlons wiro rurthr mtiar- log tlm t ruphet tt r hi holy lululon ufhti b no inun cuti ountemplata imly ai without imrutnliitf knly im lou of hi own uiiwnrthlueaa u saw htmiwir 111 u new llsht we wra not to coimlude thut 1 nu unikmliy inun the iwt human ii 10 ihmomuu tfrrll ly linptrfkt i urtml with the llvl t orlups 1mi1i ririisw thut hi him were to l hrouiiht into riipiultlou ly tb almighty vfi t klrw is utud in tli ttorlp liilf um u symbol of itrlnrutlon th tlrn on thn ultar wum hurrthl vr 7 thlm ut wuii u ymlxillo rnirvkuututliii of thn funt that johovuh hu1 lttl blm for thn work to whlnh h wum to b ciillrtl uu tlm innhsaiiknr of jnhovuh 111 lip v urn to convey to olhnrm the nucrnl wunlri thut lod wum to untrumt to him vcrun b tbi tlmn it wuu jehovuh and not th eiupblm thut hikika whllo thu word in themselves throw no light umntha suhject of the pur pose ti r which a tnoasenser was need ed nor 11ton where ho wm to go luulsh sm to huvn umhrsthkl the tmiirunnl man was eusnr 16 snswer th cull mo rib longer thounht of lilmsslf not egotism hut fumntful- nna of self land men to offer to till the diffloult plains whllu lod rull men to snrvjoa now th call us it vr has boon is for volunteers illustrated truth one lit the ways in which wn uti swor gods rull td service is by making ourselves fit ta serve v 7 i him t rut tori v a young man of rut her fine nppesranoe hapiienad to run across all old friend who had come rrom over- sea servloe and were you in ut th latter questioned oh yes re turned the other with sarcastic tmr phasic 1 was a deak soldier hut don t illume me for that he added when the cull inmn for volunteers i was efts of the first to volunteer but i wart turned down in fuof i wu turned down u half iluun times they nlulmsd that my eye ware had and tht i was out of plumb in several other resiiert ills friend nodded under land ingly he was too generous to remind the wouldbo sokuse llutt hud brought- these- phylaal ills on hlmaelf the answer here mi should i hmtginnigi back in the days when habits were forming bvery one of our thytcal powers be came sacred whan we realise that through them it is possible for us to serve the world und to become co workers with hod tories far research and dleouealen i tilvlns olory witnessed vs i it 1- llow is the beslnnlng of isulslt ministry loratetir s how does isuluh com 1 ut re with other pro phets t 3 to which kingdom did lunluh belong t 4 lly what means did the cull oome to wuiht b what is yodr understanding of u vlalont whst did isaiah see first of nllt 7 to what does thn train refert 8 what doe tho nam seraph huggvalt 0 of what were tho wings sugges tive t ii humbled in the presence of holiness vs 58 lolor what reason did the seraphim proclaim the hollne of jehovah t 11 whut was tho significance of shaking of the foundations of the house 11- why lh jllalreasedt l ii what did he probably mean by saying ha was a of unclean lips a messngr mad fit vs u or what is fire 4ha symbol 7 what slgnjncanoa was there in the fget that the roal was taken from the ultart 1 wbst did the touching laauhs him with the live ooa1 meant tho call and the answer v 8 1 what did the cull from ood meant 17 why did isaiah offer to go 7 dally reading for nest week monday may 1 the gathering of le nations laa u 114 tuesdsy may 3 world peace promised las 11 10 wednesday may 3 the coming of the prince of inutce laa t 17 thursday may 4 the passing of wur mlc at 18 prhlaw may b the ivaoemaker lllewaed matt 113 ksturday ma p und peace osl g hs5 hunday may 7 uod our refuge p 4 j11 diqcr1minatino against the motor youru ago imfore the uilvent of motor curs tho highway war uaed by hi ran druwil vehicles llut wo do not rtnutmlwir that any mmwilal fo and luxe wi ro hiyfit upon thnnj und ketr drivers rtr thn building uml up- 1imi of thn rnsds nor was that be cause such vuhlolo wore content with uprovml roads which cost llttln alnrti it xvjis in th duyu of horso- ti vehlolnm thut wq legsti uml pro- ceednl fur with the oonatruotlon of culani tolfonl and uaplialt iuve- ntm in city und country ihu roud werw mild foy ntt ttxcliuilvely by those who drovn uimki them hut by the whole ununlty or lltate there appears oil vl lining reason why thnro should m illscrlmluutlou ugalnat motor vehlolfm which was never pruotlsood ugulnt vehicles of any other kind ttoiitoii transcript a oov cant understand whv why ho must wash hu fao and bunds itofora going to lied uud then repcut thu process tho first thing in tlm morning why ho should im tuught to tell the truth mid then im punished after call er have lart for tolling it why u girl is uruld of u perfocily harmless thing like u moue or a delightfully- wlggly thing like a garter- unake why thd wholu family seems h bit mora roiihlilnrute qi blm yihau lud sliout hi own nge die somewhere itj thn neighborhood why boys urtt so much worse now thuil they were when his fsthor was tittle t a real athma rsllafdr jt d keloggs asthma remedy has never ikhiii advertised by nxtravagant atute- ments its claims are conservative in deed whnn judgoif by the bono lit whloli it performs expect real relief and permanent benefits whin you buy this remedy and- you will not have muiae for dlsupiiolutinant it gives ponniihent rellof in many cases where other so culler remedies huve utterly fallfd eorctted their postpone ment the editor of a email country news paper found himself unable lo invert his unuul rtuluinn of iilrthav uarrlages untl irauths thinking that borne iipology uvnu peodefj for such an unto wnnl rlruumatanne he publuhed the folowlng in bold black type a we regret that owing to pressure upon uur space nvrul birth mar riage and death tuwu boon inevitably ppgtponbd the national officers of th can- lien manufacturer assoolstlen and oil ropes of th algonquin hotel st andrews by the sea whsre the auo- t hold its on lxt psrllument ilu m t tlalnoum iol gniieruly tt nned thn uiiqusl ffiithn of tho cutiudluu munufactur ir ashiklutlon will mot ut lieautlful it ahlr wu by thn hui new ltruns wlrk kimi ul over csnuda leading buiiliiib mmi will im kutllered logeth tllm us mutters of interest to th trudn and rnmmercn of thn dominion and liicblontully to nujoy the delights to bo faun 1 in tho hlstorln and beuutlful ilghltorhikid of lit an irews thn c m a convention goes it hu andrews thlu ytur beeuuse it 1 thu turn of tho murltlme provlnwm and liiuuwti it itrnrnes to thn homo of tho president w m plhr of ill jitlm n ll alout three years iijio the assoolutfon wn orniud into rtvu ti rrltorlal lvlions maritime quelior ontario prulria slid llrltlsh columblu und tlm annual meeting are hull in rotutlnu in theso division in 1b30 tlm ronvotitton was held st th hotel vaiouvnr vunrouver lut yuir ut tho chutvhu pronteuuc quebec ruil this your it uu j to tho algonquin hotul ilt andrews famous as an im purlunt i ntrn for all und and wutur uummnr hivorts alumt 3q0 members t ths baaoolutloii will be present slid thu subjvet of ft canada s vkmirt trudu imlng ut this tlmu of supremo imtmirtulian will re vlvn mro tiiuu luiuul all uthrn hi the vurltiux rmirtu pmwutix pronperts f r an nktenalon of trudn with ih went inllnli will uimi lis 01 miliumd nu u ruuult of tln visit f u uir numb r of nuntlrs tluri during ths t ant wluti ht andruwu has uu iiiunutltig his tory luting imck m tlm uev ntn nth ruiitury h saw the curly tnikgls tmitwrni thn tonnh htil kiigllsh and it wus lstr h gurrlwiiioil liordtr town ujoylug ull thn exrltetniiit of u horuw town in war times r xtmet wervi luld out in 17si snd som if tho quaint hull hugs of early fwilnnlal days still laud tho llttln town hh imhirtant hulling industries an oh for all msn tho sailor the ildlr the nahermun the lumberman the out door lulmrer alul all who are ihised to injury and the elements will 1ml in or thomas icalectrla oil true und faithful friend to ease in n lvs voids dms wound uub- duo luutluigo and overcome rheunut- tlsm it is ukcnllout tliornfore it hhnuld liave a pluco in ull home medicine nd m umnnght those taken on a journey a remarkable orange tree thnre iuh tieon recently discovered ut tunuw in i or id a an orunge true wbti b for tho punt eight years has beun 1 outltiunusly imurtug fruit sll the yvur round its owner of course imuw of if lifit ho rogurdod tho tjrve merely uu a freak llut now thut tho orutign growing oxperts have discov ered it tho treo is surrounded by u heavy wire fence und guarded by sen tries day und night thny hope to propuliito thn tree uiraugh budding and so rnvolutlonlxo tho orjtng grow ing industry v tst the cough killer is busy counts and colli desirovod by tbo thousand every day instant reluif from your udorid gusrmntood by- boduey bnmctiiki mulnre th lesirdy whkh le twety tlaif uongn llws ny other a ttt auiket meeey uk if u fella to at miu 40 uobcs for v0 w tlwcxinr uhio ta sold in acton by a- t bbowk the public neallli citizens are requested to com pl v with the public health act no licit is hereby given flutt nil resi dents of actnn are required forthwith to aleuu their oellurs drain yards pig styvs water closet outbuilding und other premises und rfrmovc there from ull dirt munurv und other suh- atanoo wnlch tnuy endanger the puhlla health and to have tho same completjji by the ninth day of may next on whloh day tho sanitary inspector will oommenca u general inspection an 1 further tuka notion that the section of the public health act prohibiting tlm keeping of hog between the loth of may and the 1mb of november ex cept in pens ut least 70 feet from any dwellng house nml so foot from any afrent or lane wlttl floor kept rlear from nil st uniting water and regularly a lea toted yrdk bt strictly enforced all altlsen are earnestly requnstftl to keep their premises and thoroughly disinfected constantly clean the strongest com pliment ever paid to at its best i iscotfsemuisionj is the vain attempts at imitation those who take codliver oil at its best take scottw emulsion k alaohaksksc rlmoids 1 e25 indigestion j e k cook canbiilpry vou shirti collars ties hanilker- chiora buttons and studs arm bands garters suspenders shoo laces gloves mitts in- kolefi shoo polish and he doesnt ask 1 frofllfl eltlier call and bee e k cook mii 1 htukkt a cargoes 0eambn pcah it appears thut thorn are onrtgln euraoes no captain ilkes to tytny to inultsr how heuvlly thiy mtiy iw ln- aurntl por it munt ulwuy be re- mtiitlwretl tliut u ships biimter t r hiuimilblt not only for bin xhlp and her tjrgo but also for her crew irulii of jtny sort urv glwuyu isn- htrous things to curry kreqqotitly tho ruplulu himself niiporln tends thp load ing of mujh u cargo for durlrus utow ing muy lirlng dlsuslflr n his hlj if she tiitmts u storin llut tho real ilungr mill grain is the fact tliut thy uwaii when 01100 lonnhml by moisturo var that reason u vkmwl talking on corn or wheat 1 nxumliiftd for uny dofwt hhoqld m rlvt tto out of pluoe wntr will tngah tho cargo uud thn tlmuiuitids of tons of gruln will swell und hurst thn shlp hkplolvos uro never liked a unxo of theso means muny irksome utue rimtrltitlons on tho orow thoy must 1m rsrvftil not to smoke anywhere near tho cargo- ou tutoring port the captain takes his vcusel ns far uwuy from other cruft us he luhsslbly can and files a ham in id shaped red rag from his halyards he hreatho with rellof when is see his dangerous cargo dla- huritotl though thore ure of oaurso itoats uttml out specially for carrying petroleum it sometimes fall to the lot of ships hot so equipped to take this cargo generally their engines are amtdmhlps white a tankers are aft it is u trying time fortaipwln and crow for ull must uxcrelae the greatest caution in turning thut nothing n the nut uro of llro ruuohvs the cargo another dangerous cargo i onions i ike iroln theso swell when given molsturn hut the real danger to be ftured from theni islho bad hum whloh thty give on when they hnve lieon ut sea for some time canon of poison ing uro frequent umi not xnon ugo a ship loet thrnfl of ber crew jit this way no cuptutu likes u dnk rurgo vs- tmuiully if it ba such things us rail way trucks no mutter bow securely thowi uro lushed there i always the dungr of their breaking loose and doing untold damage to the hlp dur ing u ulorm it in ulutoet imtmwslble for th rrow to do unytlilng while the tituctnis st- its- svumtanj tl eltlp ta tohhlng ulsut like u cork un tho water thnbr too if on deck 1 duligerous for tho least thing will shift it this eunw a very huvy list a dull kiro us thing in u gale the only thing is to wult for u lull and then shift the cs luirk if your oven is slow to heat you will find eggo just as slow to act its double action insure leavening with a slow or hot oven egg0 baking powder order from your neighborhood grocer 10 spring footwear wo hivw nil or lew hiring- lin mi iltrf iv nhl a full li of oxford und liftup hill i w nlo i nv u full lino if mit m lliuitu mi onforlu uiil ltnblmru of ull utylj mil wilt u ull in uud let iur rh 4 un 1 rimuur iiik piullty f icoodu aul irus with othtrs wo kn w they ntiiiut ih ittitturim unywhcru mihhch childrens and itoyn sbocu in ull l ut n l ixt rai go or prions wu curry tin ruinoiim ilurlliurt ilhoes fir rhll uro i u kelauuuc iuiun ii1 ur iivsuetl or uowfl itul iter bin i put on all rpulrli g promptly tutouui ut right i rlif kenney brqs mill street b ational western way canada tint new stoute winnipeg saskatoon prince rupert brandon calgary vancouver reoina edmonton victoria and aul westbjcm points t slnfsjsng rdoy end choice op routes lsava toronto b 45 po daily standanl sleeptosi winnipeg v north day and cochrane through 1 ear toeonto ta winnipeg on tweedaya tluusdays sundays leave toronto 1055 bn rtka national mondays wednesday ad frslsv via sudbury and post arthur solid through trass with starsuid and tobibi sleeping car coackes colo it car and duuisj car sernon connection at wuuupotf for all potou west get full bartloulare reserva tions etc from local aont or nearest aat of ths canadian national grand trunk rail ways canadian kationaj raiiiualis a hirschorn lidits tailor georgetown hni just held an attractive opctutiit in his splendid new premise in the mcgibbon block tho now store is central and commodious t attractive new stock of latest spring styles n equal to the citv shops best rosslbljb services given in ladies tailoring at reasonable prices our customers become our friends we always have a welcome for them a hirschorn maim street georgetown onionnn lunumt llvuve of the municipality acton march iti ittt f natures mint mfls5oulocc to thn 40ers belong the days wlnui gold tiugicets could its ahakon from umong jho grass roots hut thank gootlnnsg the days of opiiortyiilty um not yot gone for the boy with grit und push to him nature offtrs gold gret n white red yellowall wltbltt tho little piece of ground which ha tan cull my garden h hero he nun raluo lioatim so tranhpareul tender atil snappy tomatoes so fat and red com of mnltlna- uweetnens all those ho can sell to mothers far nnd near hthtts itisl hut llttla wrrys pururhred seeds ure loo a pimtr thoy uro the blue bloods of seedom the pink of acres devoted to scleu- tlllo growing and selection of seeds lluy llimn at the eturn around tho rorner bend for ferry beet annual ohockful of garden hints loll which vegetables am best for the home garden write to day let un arly start on your garden its ths gelden idea that pays feiirvb purebred seeds d m ferry co windsor ont whv he was tight a roccnt ukporlonre of u virginia lorcymun i throw light im th old 1 ngllsli biw rkiilrlng that murrlugem uhuilld im roltobrhtnl before noon a lorvd coiiplo uptieutmhl ltoforo blm uthlug to lw married the mun in n coiuihwably muddletl uiuto the min ister said to tho womuii t won t ikrform this corniuony why is dat boy sh querlml aln t do lionnuflh ull rigbtt ah we t- of ugo ves tint tho inuh i dillllk take him uway uml como iwtck ugulu bnvorul tluys later tll coupls hgwln preuentod thmsalvo thn mutt nnoe tnora obviously intoxicated heo her i told vnu i wouldn t murry ymi when tills msli wuu drunk th mlnltr usld touttly ikm t you como linrk hem till livm sober well you wee suli the woman repllrtl apology icully do trufo u tlat hn wont como le u be ut up she knew positively an ngotl country dunin wsm chuttlng to it wounded ansae on lou nil n thut tho mun hailed from new eulnri tho good udyst nnw ventured the ntuloimnl thut lio doul t tho soldier was glail to lie sojourning in our too re umlul cllmuftf fihbut now aealaud lut u lovely lull i i llmute ropllott thu soldlor smiling tho old damn shook iter head vmi can t make me bjlfvo that my boy alio said lp a gentle but to proving tone fur i koqw perfectly well that tlist is whore the frosun meat comes from castoria for infants and children mothers know that genuine castoria jlwajyb bears the signature of railway time tables at acton grand trunk hallway system no 25 hunlu golni no 211 no 30 jo 31 no 3d no 311 no 24 llunluy 10 3ta aaop op 7bms ii lus 3 36 y 6 17 p buburbsn luclrio hstlway coinu wt yully nitrt i t hurhlsy huily m pt hunduy t munduy nly 0 17 u in 3 33 p in h 00 p m 11 02 u in nc ii in rrte p m ttiiu iii a 03 p in em p in duu in i 4ii p tii k ta p ii train no 3 which li t toronto ut hit noil i on tuturluyu during ths summer motithu now liuvu ut 1 4 li m lrolght ilallvirvl by uporlnl i vproas freight irulght plrko up ut uu sd- ilrtuts hi ton nto 111 t tiiltloim agent at tun him luy hun luy m luy only inu lkt dully xrpt llunlay i illy ni luu lay hilly i 1 u inlay ll ii luy only hinliy only ilinduy i uly albert d savage rerlhured oplonulriflt and monufaciurinn optician savage optical ouilding illuht st ths toet ollc guelph wb opcrnic tlic only infl sur face grinding machinery in uili dlfltrlcl speights poh haltdwauk outii- iiy uirjvhuvaitll oilamitkwaltlc tinwaltu spotting goods giumorhonks pnlces nloit batibpactiowuaxrtatjteed c c speight mul street acton the ability to make good it us i iisas men uro unanimous in their prale of tbo ouulph lluslues collego methods in oipllpplug ntduatos for rosponulhto positions the unlfonu ublllty of oin- gradu ates to make good in tho tiuslnoms world invlu your investlgutlou of our methods guelph business college herald dido guelph ont a l bouck prlnolpsl vou can 5tart on monday in use for over thirty years castoria tmb csstsun ooavaav new veas wtl 5he actonbakery ihoni no tt fresh bread and buns rolls pies and cakes ordertl will be delivered at nil tunc douglmullswalnut cakes and fruit cakes by he pound or any size our own make wngron dcllvcn every day will call on you or phono no 77 and waggon will call m edwards co s acton ontario store closed every nluht except fri day snd ssturdsy at 630 p m free press ads bring results castoria for infants a it j children in use for over 30 years always beam j glanautaof ssssfrs st 4 r fjdsaji i



Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1922, p. 5 (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.