2021 – Revealing Light Tarot (2025)

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Revealing Light Tarot

Doing the work.

A couple of days ago, I read on the New Moon in Virgo. It was a blend of astrology and tarot, and clairvoyance, I was comfortable with…so much of the past month of August 2021 had been uncomfortable, ranging to distressing.

At the beginning of the month I had a serious sense of foreboding (is there any other kind?). I say ‘serious’ because I’ve covered much over the past 4 years psychically across the world and have not been as rattled. Perhaps it was the Delta variant sweeping across my home state in Australia, perhaps it was the horrendous withdrawal of allies and the US from the ill-fated Afghanistan ‘war’, or the absolute madness on anything from Covid and vaccines, through to the illogical and insane conspiracy theories emanating from Q-anon. Such insanity that there are actually ‘Q’ Members of Congress in the US, and not far from it in other countries. The continual connection to that energy just wore me down. At times, it felt like we were all on the verge of drowning in our own destruction.

As August began, I was dreaming of an endless procession of funerals – black hearses outside churches – and then my dreams turned to severe flooding events. Boats floating underwater, torrential rains and stranded people in homes. I warned my viewers at the beginning of the month…August is going to be difficult. This was cold comfort to me, seemingly caught in the anxiety of knowing what was coming. As it turned out, my readings on Delta being uncontrollable across my state, were correct (other states have more control at this point). Horrendous flooding across Europe and in parts of the US seemed to be prescient. As I write, Hurricane Ida is bearing down on Louisiana. Is this where the submerged boats were? I warned viewers there would be people needing to get to high ground. And yet, despite the heaviness of August, including the deaths and mayhem in our withdrawal from Afghanistan, I felt a shift coming in September. I outlined my insight in a New Moon in Virgo reading which is included in this post. What does this mean…will things get easier? Not quite yet, though I see signs of progress nevertheless.

On 6th September 2021, the New Moon enters the most hard-working of the zodiac signs. Over Washington, it is in the 6th House of work, public service and health. There are real signs, I feel, of people waking up to the endless loop of negativity that governs our politics. What we are seeing…the rise of the ‘Big Lie/s’, the conspiracy theorists, the aggressive ‘Covid-19 is a hoax-ers ’, the split mentality of far right and far left politics…the unwillingness to give any ground, and the sheer destructiveness of the continual media and social media cycles, is no accident. We are meant to see this…we are seeing this…and we know it has to change if we are to survive. I believe enough of us are noticing this now, and with that attention, so too is the need to do the work…to repair, to reform and to move forward, not backwards. There is no better time for this than when the New Moon (setting goals) is in Virgo (doing the work).

So, yes, I am still optimistic despite what we’ve witnessed in August. We are getting ‘woke’ from our complacency and polarisation because there is no other choice. Change is often necessary and always inevitable.

Winged orb…psychic phenomena

Just after the Biden victory in November 2020 in the US, I looked at his first 100 days in office through clairvoyance and a tarot reading. During this video on Youtube, what appeared to be a winged orb made its way across my backdrop and towards, and into, the tarot cards. I’m no stranger to orbs in my videos, nor what they call EPV’s…sounds and voices…though this orb was different. It clearly had wings and reminded me of the mythical Faery legends.

Orbs in my videos began turning up during a reading on the arch angels in 2018/2019. Since then, viewers often ask me who, or what, do I think they are. I do believe in two possibilities…angelic presence and visits from my passed over loved ones. However, this ‘winged’ orb introduced a third possibility…the Fae or elemental energies/spirits.

Whatever these orbs are, angelic, my loved ones or faery energy, a few things are certain…they want to be seen, are trying to help validate my readings (they often fly into the cards during an accurate prediction), and they are loving and supportive. I know because I see and feel them. When the camera is off they are still there, around me. Wisps of vapour looking like steam appearing in a room, sometimes what I would describe as a ‘heatwave’ kinda of look, and, often, rapidly moving balls of light – sometimes in my periphery, and sometimes right in front of me.

The fact they are so willing to be seen in my videos should give us all hope and confirmation of the afterlife…and, at the very least, that there is more to our 3D existence than we can see. Believe is the word I will leave you with…

The orb in ‘Biden’s 100 days’ on Youtube can be seen at 22:35 coming from my right, from the curtains, flying and weaving all the way across the room to enter my cards. It actually has wings if you look closely and reminds me of a faery.

Spiritual connections

Even on a bicycle pathway by the river on a daily ride, and in the appearance of a butterfly, there is a link with Spirit….

A wildlife warrior to remember

With the environment now in focus after four long years of the US overturning many environmental reforms enacted during the Obama presidency and, in Australia, a push towards coal and away from renewables, it’s a welcome relief to see the world again at the table to discuss climate change and its management. The US will rejoin the Paris Accord and pressure is mounting on Australia and other nations to lower emissions and meet targets.

Meanwhile, there are many environmental and wildlife warriors working hard, year after year, to protect our environment and draw public attention to the impact of climate change. Of course, you and I know that the natural disasters of the past few years should be enough warning…unfortunately, they are not.

Australia has a unique and beautiful environment. With a relatively small population compared to land mass, our wildlife has thrived however the bushfires of 2020 took a toll on many species. None more so than our Koalas, now in danger of extinction. Many organisations are fighting the good fight to ensure this doesn’t happen. Still this did not stop a recent state government attempting to pass legislation which would have given land developers the right to bulldoze Koala habitat in some parts of that state. Only one brave Member of Parliament, Liberal MP Catherine Cusack, stood up to her own party and voted against the legislation which meant it was voted down. This cost the MP her parliamentary secretary portfolio/role but Koala habitat was protected. I struggle to understand how this legislation could have got so far…

It’s the actions of our environmental and wildlife warriors that contribute to the continuity we enjoy in our local environments, even when our government leaders fail us. Australia is well remembered for one of the most prominent wildlife warriors of the last few decades, the late Steve Irwin. I tuned into the energetic vibration of Steve recently. I’ll let the video speak for itself.

Revealing Light Oracle…cards for the spirit

Well…after 6 months in development, I’ve finally sent the first of my ‘indie’ oracle decks on their way – to the US, to the UK, around Australia, and to Europe. The Revealing Light Oracle was created with the awareness that everything we go through, the good and the bad, and those mountains we think we are never able to climb, add up to a strong spirituality, and a strong connection with Spirit. Each card was developed with an understanding of the soul’s growth. We may come into this world with a lot to learn…, with a contract for what we go through, and a purpose and meaning to fulfill…but, hopefully, we grow, we understand, we become aware…and it all gets easier and more joyful as a result.

As someone who has battled and survived cancer, experienced all manner of bereavement, and grief and loss, I can say that nurturing spirituality is, probably, the most joyful and rewarding thing I have ever done in my life (aside from bringing new life into this world). Once understood, spirituality and connection to the Divine, offers a chance to transmute mere knowledge into awareness and a state of being, and the opportunity to understand the secret to positive manifestation.

Of course, life is rarely a ‘walk in the park’, even for experienced souls. There are still lessons to learn, and mindfulness is an ongoing practice. However, the relationship with Spirit and the connection to our higher selves is worth every effort, and self-reflection and adjustment.

But back to The Revealing Light Oracle. It was a labor of love and a chance for me to return to one of my past pursuits, writing, creative development, and publishing. The 40-card oracle uses imagery, chakra colors/energies, elemental symbols, astrology, and numerology as well as keywords and phrases to stimulate spiritual development and awareness. I use it most days as my ‘go-to’ oracle…perhaps because it mirrors the spiritual side of our human experience. My favorite cards are Hope, Moving On, Review and Gateway…well perhaps all of them, but I am biased. I have a small number available which you can purchase from me by emailing revealinglighttarot@gmail.com. Please put Revealing Light Oracle in the subject line.

The video below shows a reading I began with the Revealing Light Oracle. I only got a couple of minutes in when the laptop cut out because of an incoming call on my phone (the two are connected and usually I have my phone on airplane mode when recording). As I got to 1:50 minutes I felt the familiar presence of the light orbs. I realized then that although the reading had cut out, I should keep the video because of the strength and visibility of the light orb. I then used the counsel in the card to handle a pressing issue. It turned out to be the right approach. That card was ‘Review’ with the words: “there is always more than one option”. This demonstrates the value of an oracle or tarot deck. You are tapping into your own intuition, your higher self, and Spirit. There is nothing more affirming than that…

Channeling Eva Peron

A few months ago, in the midst of the outrage in America at President Trump’s immigration policies which locked children behind wire fences, in camps, I felt former First Lady of Argentina Eva Peron come forward in one of my readings. I knew she wanted to be heard and so I made time for this channeling. Her profound kindness and genuine love for her people, especially those living in poverty, left an impression on me. Here was someone who was a devout person, who saw inequality, and wanted to be a force for change. And she was…
In this reading, Eva Peron talked about the current situation in the US where, under the direction of its current Trump-led government, children were taken from their parents, and put in camps, behind wire fences that many referred to as ‘cages’. These children come from South America…from countries that perhaps are not dissimilar from Eva Peron’s beloved Argentina, perhaps even from Argentina which would also explain her concern.

For those who are unfamiliar with her story. Eva Peron was the First Lady of Argentina from 1946 until she died in 1952. She was born into poverty in a small rural village of Los Toldos, the youngest of five children. She married Colonel Juan Peron in 1945, who was elected President of Argentina in 1946. During the next 6 years, Eva worked closely to provide help to those living in poverty, and to advance women’s rights. She founded the first female political party in Argentina. She received strong support in return for her caring and support from the Peron’s political base, low-income, and working-class Argentines, and was given the title of Spiritual Leader of the Nation. She passed away aged 33 years from cervical cancer. The sadness in Argentina at the loss of their First Lady was acute. The streets of Buenos Aires overflowed with mourners and flowers. Her life has since been immortalized in film, including the renowned ‘Evita’.

Channeling Edgar Cayce

No two channelings are the same. The process I go through is one of allowing an energy to come forward for the channeling, allowing it to build (sometimes over weeks and months) and then creating the right environment to tune in. The Edgar Cayce channeling was more spontaneous.

It had been a viewer request, and not one I’d considered pursuing until a couple of days before its recording. I was surprised at the speed, and strength, of Cayce’s energy. It was the right time to bring him though…no matter that I wasn’t prepared for the channeling…that my camera ran out of battery or that I had to finish the session on my iphone…it was as it was meant to be.

I didn’t know a lot about Cayce despite having one of his books…or a bio, I can’t recall, in my bookshelves when I was younger. I didn’t know much about his health and nutrition work, certainly not a detailed understanding and I had no idea how he brought forward his healing and predictions. I was to find out though, when his energy emerged for the channeling.

One of the strong impressions I was left with during this channeling was the light that he tapped into for his work. In my third eye vision, Cayce’s entire head was filled with light. I feel it was this light that allowed him to travel outside the confines of his human form. It is the same light that allows us to astral travel also. Before the channeling, as I tapped into his energy, I was a little anxious. The power he possessed was quite daunting and, for just a moment, I felt apprehensive. As I eased into the channeling, I understood the power of the ‘Sleeping Prophet’ was the power of the light of Spirit.

Cayce had strong messages to bring through. One was to activate our ‘thinking in pictures’. It seems when we do this, we are able to tap into knowledge/wisdom/intuition/spiritual/manifestation energies. There is far more to our ‘imagination’ than we know.

I hope you enjoy the channeling as much as I did.

The unconscious is greater than we know

A few months ago, I became conscious of Dr Sigmund Freud close by. It always works this way…I know there is a channeling to take place at some point in the future, and I wait for the energy to make itself known. Dr Freud was persistent and I feel this was his way in his earthly life.

It wasn’t always easy to channel his energy…it was intellectual and he was challenging, perceptive and piercing at times, particularly when he picked up the legacy of my childhood Catholic-guilt. Raised in the church until I was old enough to shrug off its punitive barriers and understand the truth of real spiritual connection, rather than being wedded to man-made dogma and rules, Dr Freud was able to see the imprint of this early conditioning.

That is how the channeling went. I felt he was mostly, two steps in front and I had to run to keep up, and it felt like he was psychoanalysing me some of the time. I could also feel the relationship he had with his earthly mother, and his dogged determination to satisfy his need to understand their relationship.

What struck me most of all, was Freud’s enlightenment around the vast reservoir of the unconscious. In his earthly lifetime he perceived it as linear…that it went only back to early childhood patterns. Even though he worked with dreams in his psychoanalysis, he speaks in this channeling of not going far enough. Here he provides us with a discovery that the unconscious, or ‘subconscious’, is endless, not linear, and is a vast resource for our use in our earthly lifetimes.

The question, after this channeling, was how to use it fully. My intuition tells me the answer lies in deep, spiritual connection. When we live a connected life, we are allowing a greater awareness to come forward to enrich our earthly lives.

Channeling Robin Williams

I titled this video ‘Healing with Humour’. I’m not sure why Robin Williams came forward as a potential channel but I suspect it has something to do with keeping your thoughts elevated…the connection between our thoughts and our wellbeing.

I don’t do many of these sessions as they are exhausting and I have significant family and professional commitments, but when I do, I wait patiently – clairvoyantly – for the right inspiration. In this case Robin Williams came forward with a message on life and death, learning and suffering, self responsibility and non judgement.

I hope you get something from this video? I know I did. I know that not everybody will as there is a strong message on the right to die with dignity. I know that after posting this on my Patreon channel, a few unsubscribed. So be it. I have been around suffering and dying a lot in these last few years. Most recently my sister transitioning after 6 years of battling stage 4 cancer. My dear Nan passed sadly with dementia.

As we know, Robin Williams took his own life after battling with Lewy Body Dementia. He knew his prognosis; he was realistic about the progression of the disease. This channel makes it clear, it was absolutely what he wanted.

Around 9 years ago, in another lifetime, I researched dementia, consulting widely with the medical specialists, the carers and the non government organisations set up to manage dementia, for a publication designed to inform on dementia. A stand out finding was the severity of Lewy Body, a particular dementia type. With it, you can expect a progressive decline in mental abilities. “People with Lewy body dementia may experience visual hallucinations and changes in alertness and attention. Other effects include Parkinson’s disease-like signs and symptoms such as rigid muscles, slow movement and tremors,” the Mayo Clinic advises. This channelling session makes it clear that Robin Williams knew what he would experience, and how he would deteriorate and eventually die. For such a gifted intellect, comedian and actor, he chose to die with dignity.

This channeling is not for those who don’t agree that we have the right, in the face of terminal disease and suffering, to die with dignity. It’s for those who are listening closely to what is said in this video…that we don’t have the right to judge the response to extreme suffering that is experienced with terminal disease. Rather listening and non-judgement are demanded.

Beyond this message, Robin Williams had plenty to say on a range of things. Tapping into his energetic vibrations was a joy. Irrepressible is the word that comes to mind when I think of Robin Williams.

Channeling Nostradamus

I’m not entirely sure when the energetic vibration of Nostradamus presented itself but it did, including with the significance of rose petals which I later found out were quite important in the healing work of Nostradamus.

Most of us know this seer for his blindingly accurate predictions. Less is known about his healing work with plague victims. I found this channeling quite special because I learnt about Nostradamus the human being. He revealed a man with a deep love of family and of helping the poor who received little medical help throughout the epidemics of plague. Yet Nostradamus healed many through simple and effective hygienic regimes, and a commitment to help.

Prior to the channeling I did not know how Nostradamus saw the visions which formed the basis of his predictions but I saw a method later confirmed with my research post channeling. I’ll leave the video to speak for itself; and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did…learning about the compassionate and humanistic person that was Nostradamus. These same strengths allowed him to predict accurately, and perhaps to help humanityinto the future.

2021 – Revealing Light Tarot (2025)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.